
Tips for Organizing Your Spices August 11 2015

Sure, spring cleaning came and went - and while you may have emptied your closets and deep cleaned your home a few months back, how thorough were you with your kitchen pantry?

It doesn't take long for your spice rack to get disorganized.  Avoid fumbling through your bottles prior to your next meal - check out the below tips to help you get your cabinets back in order, stat:

Catalog Your Collection. First things first, it’s time to take an inventory of the spices you have. Check for any expired bottles (remember, while not necessarily bad, expired spices are certainly less flavorful) and see if you can condense any duplicates. With everything out and about, take the time to wipe down bottles and tighten any caps before restoring.

Decide on a Strategy. Take a moment to think about your cooking style - what spices do you use most often? If you bake more you may want these spices readily available, not stored behind other items. Some common systems people tend to use are storing baking spices separate from savory spices, whole vs. ground vs. blended, frequently used vs. infrequently used, or in alphabetical order.

Assess Your Storage. Take a look at how your kitchen is configured and how your spices can best fit. Lazy Susan’s are popular for saving space as are drawer organizers, wall-mounted spice racks, and magnetic mounting systems. Consider what options you have available and incorporate them into your strategy.

Put it All Back. Now for the fun part - time to dust off your Tetris skills and work to arrange spices accordingly. Don’t stress if some spices aren’t conforming precisely to your strategy and storage plan, keep those to the side until complete and see what other space is available.

And there you have it! Any Pinterest pros have advice on how they organize their bottles? Share with us on our Facebook page.

When taste is everything, La Flor is all you need to transform your everyday meal into an extraordinary culinary delight. Shop our selection of spices, herbs, and blends on the web - keep it spicy America!


Photo via Flickr/Amber Karnes

5 Miracle Spices with Huge Health Benefits August 06 2015

Spices not only are key in transforming a bland meal into a flavorful dish - but many are known to pack in some unexpected health perks as well. From protection against some of the deadliest chronic conditions to simply helping to relieve stress - see below for five miracle spices with huge health benefits:

Turmeric - A distant relative of ginger, turmeric is a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine. Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, may help reduce inflammation and ease symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Sprinkle turmeric on your egg salad, add some to chicken or seafood casseroles, or try it in a traditional curry dish.

Thyme - Popular in stews, soups, and sauces - people use thyme to treat bronchitis, whooping cough, arthritis, high blood pressure, as well as various types of cancer. The essential oil of thyme contains thymol - a naturally occurring compound that can destroy harmful organisms such as MRSA infections as studies have shown.

Ginger - Aside from helping to settle an upset stomach, this spice can also lessen muscle soreness. Gingerol, a chemical in ginger, is thought to reduce inflammation and block nerve pathways that process pain. Try using ginger in a stir fry, add some to your meat, or grate some fresh ginger over veggies or noodles.

Basil - With strong antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties, basil can help with cardiovascular health. The essential oils in basil have been shown to lower blood glucose, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels. It also contains phytochemicals which studies suggest may lower cortisol - a hormone secreted when tense. Next time you’re feeling frazzled, add this herb to your tea.
Cinnamon - Known to bring out and warm up the flavors in the foods it’s paired with, cinnamon also works to keep your arteries healthy, manage blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that eating half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily defuses risk factors for diabetes and heart disease within 6 weeks! Sprinkle some in your coffee, oatmeal, or peanut butter!

Start spicing up your diet and reap the benefits the above herbs and spices have to offer. When taste is everything, La Flor is all you need to transform your everyday meal into an extraordinary culinary delight. Shop our selection of spices, herbs, and blends on the web - keep it spicy America!